#raen’s eddie x shy!reader series
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idaoftheburningmind · 3 years ago
This brought back a lot of uncomfortable memories 😅
What I will always admire though about @pluvialpoet ‘s Shy Reader x Eddie series is its authenticity. It stopped being fan fiction for me two chapters in and has instead become the Rockwell portrait equivalent of growing up geek in any decade.
The Reader thrilling to and fretting over her growing closeness with Eddie, her pure anguish at her first experience of jealousy, then her quiet defeat at the end was all so real and bittersweet. Yet there is kindness in Raen’s writing — as though she knew that a whole community of us would remember, particularly that sense of defeat, and live to tell the tale.
Now that there’s tension between the Reader and Eddie, the next chapter might deepen the conflict. While that makes me worry for these characters (yes, invested follower here), I’m also rooting for the day Eddie tells the Reader, “… As you wish.”
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I'm dying to know who confesses first/makes the first move? Eddie or shy!reader?
so, our darling shy!reader kissed him on the cheek on his birthday, right? right. so, there’s been a massive shift in their dynamic (at least for eddie) but our girl is still grappling with her feelings for him  🤭 so, what happens when someone starts hitting on Eddie after the shift in their dynamic? 👀 (this blurb is part of a collection and can be read alone, or in addition to the ones listed below)
✨ shy!reader x eddie masterlist ✨
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April 1986
“God, he’s so hot.” 
It wasn’t the first time you’d heard it, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Through a thick cloud of smoke and the haze of the lights shining onstage,  you follow their line of sight and your chest tightens with something you can’t quite place.
You’ve heard the comments before- granted, they were far and few between- but they were a lot more common outside of Hawkins, where people weren’t afraid of being crucified for sharing their opinion. Usually, it never bothered you. Most times, you found yourself silently agreeing with said compliments before you caught yourself and snapped out of your daze, but something is different tonight.
Your friends played a great set. It wasn’t the first time you’ve seen Corroded Coffin perform live, but tonight they put on an incredible show- with a set comprised of all of your favorite songs, coincidentally. Jeff nailed every guitar solo, Gareth never missed a beat, Chris carried each song with his bass, and Eddie had every single eye on him as the frontman. A few girls even looked like they were visibly drooling at one point, which made you shift uncomfortably in your seat at the bar.
“I wonder if he has a girlfriend,” The same girl that’s been ogling Eddie ponders aloud, and a few of her friends chime in with an equal amount of interest, but not quite as much enthusiasm. “Maybe I should ask him after the show.”
It shouldn’t bother you- it really shouldn’t bother you- but you find yourself biting your tongue- hard enough to lose feeling in the muscle while you force yourself to keep quiet. It’s none of your business, really. Words from a private conversation you were never meant to hear shouldn’t feel like a stake plunging into your heart and robbing you of breath, but suddenly, your chest feels tight and it’s harder to breathe.
You’ve been friends with Eddie for more than two years, and within those two years a wonderful, fulfilling friendship bloomed between the two of you. Eddie broke the ice by reading the same books as you did- although he only ever admitted to reading one, you saw Carrie peeking out of his backpack one afternoon, but never mentioned it- and you learned how to make an entire D&D campaign for his birthday. There were many more instances where the two of you started to grow closer- like when you’d share your lunch with him when someone would steal his lunch money, or how he offered to give you a ride when your dad was running late, and how he always stayed with you until he arrived.
You and Eddie were friends- really, really good friends.
Which was why it shouldn’t bother you that someone was showing interest in him. Yet, your stomach is churning and your chest feels tight with a feeling you’re unfamiliar with. Maybe it’s the fact that you don’t think that hot is the word you’d use to describe Eddie. You’ve always found him handsome, charming, funny, talented, kind and-
“I wonder if keeps those rings on during-“ She starts, and a wave of warmth washes over you once you realize what she might be implying. You’re not sure what comes over you, and if anyone asked, you wouldn’t be able to explain it, but something ignites in the pit of your stomach- simultaneously easing and aggravating the nerves that reside there- and before you can stop yourself, you find yourself interrupting her.
“He does.”
For a second, you hope that your comment wasn’t loud enough to catch their attention, but as soon as the words leave your mouth three heads turn to face you.
“Sorry?” The girl asks, her gaze narrowed. There’s no real remorse in her tone. It’s taunting.
Realizing that you’ve caught their attention and that they’re all waiting for an answer, you think of something quick- something that will hopefully deter them from making any more comments about Eddie- your friend.
“He has a girlfriend.” You explain, hoping that the little white lie would be enough to perturb them. Except, it isn’t, and the same girl that’s been staring at Eddie all-night begins to laugh- making a wave of embarrassment wash over you. You knew you shouldn’t have gotten involved. It wasn’t your place and now you’re paying the price.
She takes a step closer to you, and although you’re nearly the same height, it feels like she’s towering over you. It’s incredibly intimidating and you shift your weight back and forth, uncomfortably.
She’s gorgeous. Her hair was wild, yet tame. Her long mesh shirt leaving little to the imagination, along with her tiny leather skirt, showcasing her lean body. Her lips are stained red and outlined in black, but her makeup isn’t all that heavy. She looks like she barely needs it. She’s confident, outspoken, and outgoing- everything you’re not.
“Well, I don’t see her here,” She taunts with a faux grin- one that’s sickeningly sweet and obviously a warning that she’s not interested in playing nice.
You know you should just accept defeat and let it go. It’s not your place to fight Eddie’s battles. Your heart sinks when you think about walking away and giving her the opportunity to ask him out. What if he said yes? What if they started dating and she became his girlfriend? Would there still be a place for you in his life? The thought makes your breath hitch. It’s clear you’re not thinking rationally, but your reply takes you by surprise.
“S-she’s standing right in front of you.” There’s not an ounce of confidence in your voice, and you don’t think it’s possible- for the girl’s laughter to become any more lethal- but it does.
She can barely catch her breath. Her eyes scan you up and down, starting with your shoes, your cardigan, and then eventually the nervous look on your face before she howls once more. Beside her, her friends chime in- one less enthusiastically than the other- but still critical.
“You can’t be serious,” She looks down on you again and you’ve never felt so small. “You honestly expect me to believe that a guy like that is dating someone like you?” There’s a bitterness to her insult, and you don’t have to ask for clarification to understand what she’s implying. “You’re full of shit. Guys like that don’t look twice at girls like you. Guys like him belong with girls like me- girls that he won’t get bored with.”
With tears in your eyes, you start to feel dizzy. If the initial confrontation wasn’t enough to make your heart race and your entire body start to shake, her cruelty has heightened your anxiety tenfold. But was it truly cruelness, or blatant honesty?
Maybe she had a point- and maybe that’s why it stung so much.
Eddie was so far out of your league. Honestly, you’re surprised that he’s friends with you. It’s been twelve days since you boldly kissed him on the cheek and you’ve spent those last twelve days overanalyzing everything- especially your feelings for him. How was your dad able to decipher your complicated feelings years ago, and you’ve only just come to terms with them? There’s no way to pinpoint when you started feeling something more for him beyond friendship, but now that you’re aware of your desire, you’re also crushed beneath the weight of reality- that Eddie is so far out of your league you’re not even playing the same game.
Her lips part to tear you don’t further when you feel a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.
“Hey!” Eddie beams happily, his adrenaline high having just finished performing not too long ago. You stiffen in his hold when he tightens his arms around you and rests his chin on your shoulder. “What’d ya think?”
Ever since his birthday, he’s had his arms around you any chance he gets. He walks you to class with an arm around your shoulder, hugs you every time you part, and even likes to wrap his arms around your waist when you’re searching through your locker.
“You were great, as always.” You offer quickly, without much enthusiasm, and the girls that had been giving you a hard time before are stunned silent.
“We’re thinking of going to get something to eat, you hungry?” He asks, paying no mind to the girls who scoff and turn their noses up in the air.
“Yeah, I can eat.” You lie. Truthfully, you’ve lost your appetite.
As you and Eddie make plans, the girls that were giving you a hard time reluctantly walk away, leaving the two of you alone. Once they’re gone, you try to wiggle free from Eddie’s hold. It doesn’t feel right. It feels like it’s suffocating and restraining instead of comforting and warm. You don’t deserve to know the comfort his arms bring- it hurts too much.
“Great! We’re just finishing loading everything up,” He smiles, completely oblivious to what he interrupted a few moments earlier. “What are you thinking? I could go for burgers and milkshakes, or pizza and ice cream- I’m starving!” He laughs, untangling his arms from around your body to make a dramatic display of rubbing a hand over his stomach. While his antics would’ve normally made you laugh- or at the very least crack a smile- something is very different tonight. You only offer him a gentle nod before starting off towards his van and when he finally finishes talking to the manager at The Hideout, he’s surprised to see you sitting in the back with Chris and Jeff.
Gareth’s occupying the seat next to him- your seat- and when he narrows his eyes searching for an explanation, Gareth only shrugs.
The drive to the diner is pretty silent, but the whole way there Eddie can’t help but wonder, what did those girls say to you?
Send me some feedback! Requests: OPEN!
Series taglist: @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @bi-maximoff @resident-gay-bitch @softpsychopath @padawansubscription @copper-boom @sj-thefan @writeplace-wrongtime @aiz0ldy @hobisfavoritespritecan @brattypeony @okay-j-hannah @kimmietea @jessyballet @mdanon027 @authorlovers @thatdinofuck @bethii11 @lqveharrington @authordreaming13 @wheaty-melon @sweetpeapod @lovelymrvl @a-girl-interupted @j1mp3x @taylorslov3rrr @cravingmacarons @idaofinfinity @pipsypip @grizzing @lady-clegane-giantsbane @clowence @theamchannell @beefybuckrrito @buckymydarlingangel @plantfey @cherrybastard @nazifa94 @nick-lorenz @mayempress @ethereal27cereal @oeuryale @everything-intertwined @storiesbyrhi @mountchilly @wendyfawcett @zoeyquinn94 @copycatkillerfics @ravenclawkimmi @bookwyrmsblog @juggernort @munson-burner @probablypossesedbysatan
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idaoftheburningmind · 3 years ago
“Y/N,” Your name rolls off his tongue perfectly- like he’s been destined to say it his whole life…
Raen, I swear that line 😭 and on the day that Joe’s 1883 spread comes out. I think I’m going to have a stroke.
Selfishly, he hopes you never find any other friends. Still, by whatever magic caused your paths to cross- no matter how briefly- he’s going to make the most of your time together. “Welcome to the cool kid’s table.”
It really sounds like something he’d say and I would have given everything to have been invited to sit with the Hellfire Club in my days of gawky gamer girlhood.
The way you understand the joy in finding kindred spirits during an otherwise unbearably lonely time threatens to drown with the wave of nostalgia it brings; add to that the impossible thrill of finding the ideal that is Eddie Munson.
If I could just abandon everything and live in your stories right this minute, I would 🥺
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How did Eddie and shy!reader meet? I adore them with my entire heart 🥺
yeah, they’re kind of the sweetest, huh? 🥹 (this blurb is part of a collection and can be read alone, or in addition to the ones listed below)
✨ shy!reader x eddie masterlist ✨
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“What’s the sum of the two solutions to the quadratic equation, (x + 4)(x - 3) = 7?” If Eddie knew, he wouldn’t have asked Jeff to help him with the math homework he conveniently forgot to finish last night. Luckily, he has the rest of the lunch period to solve the equations before they’re due next period and he intends on spending every minute attempting to solve the tricky problems that bested him the night before.
“How am I supposed to know?” Eddie shrugs his shoulders, twirling the pencil between his fingers like a drum stick- the action distracting him from the worksheet in front of him long enough for him to start drumming a melody against the lunch table with the end of the tool- earning a small huff from Jeff.
“By solving for x.” Although he’s two years his junior, Eddie swears Jeff is ten times wiser than he is. Unlike Eddie, he has the ability to understand the math homework he’s assigned every night. It’s one of the many traits his friends possess that he’s envious of.
“Well, how do I solve for x?” He rolls his eyes, straightening up a bit and leaning in closer to the sheet- as if fixing his posture and feigning attentiveness would equip him with the knowledge he needed to understand seemingly impossible math. Maybe he just had to apply more of himself. That’s what his teachers always told him, anyway. When he’s met with silence, he turns to face his friend- whose gaze has wandered across the cafeteria. “Jeff,” He repeats, “How do I solve for-“
“There’s a girl talking to Gareth.”
“What?” In an instant, the equation is long forgotten. Eddie slides the sheet away from him and follows Jeff’s line of sight, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of his only other friend.
“There’s a girl, talking to Gareth,” Jeff repeats himself, his eyes widening as the words catch in his throat. Eddie, who still hasn’t been able to spot Gareth across the cafeteria, tries to look past the wall of people blocking his view, but it’s no use. “S-she’s-“ His friend’s eyes widen, his throat bobbing nervously before announcing, “They’re coming over here.”
Jeff seems terrified, and rightfully so. Any girl he’s ever interacted with has only ever called him names or looked down on him because of what he liked. The only time a girl ever spared him a second glance was so that she could copy off of his paper during a test. Admittedly, Eddie’s luck with girls wasn’t all that great, either. They looked at him with disgust, like he wasn’t even worth their time, and although there’s a part of him that’s as nervous as Jeff is, he forces his lips into a thin line- feigning nonchalance, hoping that whatever torment that’s about to be inflicted upon him and his friend, won’t cause lethal damage to his already fragile ego.
The sound of two trays meeting the table breaks him from his thought.
“Hey,” Gareth greets his friends. Jeff is too stunned to reply, and Eddie offers a subtle nod. “This is Y/N, her dad just got transferred from Nevada and we’re lab partners now.” When he finally spares you a glance, his stoic façade crumbles. His cheeks flush with warmth and his palms become sweaty when you offer him a shy smile.
You’re pretty. You’re really pretty, and not in a way that most girls are pretty. There’s something about you that immediately captivates him and for a brief second, he thinks that whatever sweet torment you’re about to inflict upon him would be worth it. He waits for the punchline to follow, waits for you to take one look at him and decide that you’re better off alone than surrounded by a trio of freaks and losers. Much to his surprise, you don’t run for the hills. Instead, you take a seat right next to Gareth- albeit a bit hesitantly- and set your bag on the ground by your feet. “I told her it was cool if she sat with us until she found some new friends,” He says, popping the tab on his milk carton before asking, “That fine with you guys?”
“Absolutely,” Jeff answers way too quickly, nodding eagerly and Gareth raises an eyebrow at him, questioningly.
Another timid smile graces your lips and although you’ve clearly gained Jeff’s approval to sit at the table, you turn to Eddie- wondering if he’s going to force you to fend for yourself, or if he’s going to accept you into his gang of misfits.
“Of course,” He agrees, and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as your shoulders finally relax. “I’m Eddie.”
“Y/N.” You introduce yourself, and the sound of your voice- just barely audible over all of the surrounding ruckus- makes his chest swell with warmth.
“Y/N,” Your name rolls off his tongue perfectly- like he’s been destined to say it his whole life- and he offers you a kind smile that makes your knees weak. He knows you’ll likely find another place to sit by the end of the week, and that your time together won’t last. Selfishly, he hopes you never find any other friends. Still, by whatever magic caused your paths to cross- no matter how briefly- he’s going to make the most of your time together. “Welcome to the cool kid’s table.”
He regrets it almost as soon as he says it, but the little giggle you offer makes his embarrassment worthwhile. He’d make a fool of himself over and over again if it meant he got to hear you laugh.
Send me some feedback! Requests: OPEN!
series taglist: @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @bi-maximoff @resident-gay-bitchbitch @softpsychopath @padawansubscription @copper-boom @sj-thefan @writeplace-wrongtime @aiz0ldy @hobisfavoritespritecan @brattypeony @okay-j-hannah @kimmietea @jessyballet @mdanon027 @authorlovers @thatdinofuck @bethii11 @lqveharrington @authordreaming13 @wheaty-melon @sweetpeapod @lovelymrvl @a-girl-interupted @j1mp3x @taylorslov3rrr @cravingmacarons @idaofinfinity @pipsypip @grizzing @lady-clegane-giantsbane @clowence @theamchannell @beefybuckrrito @buckymydarlingangel @plantfey @cherrybastard
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idaoftheburningmind · 3 years ago
“It shouldn’t be this difficult to talk to a person. Why is it so difficult to talk to him?”
God, why indeed. From the moment Eddie startled the Reader from her thoughts (of himb, of course) to their stuttered, adorkably awkward exchange, I was just scooping the high-grade fluff by the handful and I am going back for seconds.
@pluvialpoet you are now officially my Fluff Dealer. Promise to never leave me.
Because, the way this Shy Reader x Eddie series has us always, always craving for more, it has transcended the plane of storytelling and has become a substance straight out of Eddie’s lunchbox (if not his secret stash *gives Raen a wink, wink, nudge, nudge*).
Oh the joy of inadvertent admissions and accidental revelations, for us giddy spectators at least. This latest episode (yes, this is a series on streaming now, you can’t convince me otherwise), gave me a much needed endorphin boost, and with Shy Reader’s dad on board with his daughter dating a tall, long-haired boy with tattoos… aaaaaaaaaaaa! *stuffs face with moar, moarrr high-grade fluff*
I’m curious though about what the Reader would have said was the greatest song of all time.
Last week, while your entire table was up in arms arguing what the best song of all time was, Jeff was the one to attempt to diffuse the growing tension of the heated argument for asking your opinion.
… Oooohhh, Raen, Raaaaaaeeeeeeen, do we get a future blurb where she and Eddie get to share what music they love??? *drops everything and dives squealing back into the high-grade fluff*
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Hey there, I don��t know if you’re taking requests for the shy!reader x Eddie series but I would love love love to see a blurb where Eddie tries to talk about The Princess Bride with the reader and he gets all flustered and fumbly with his words. I love your writing so much and the way you have written Eddie is just 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I’m ALWAYS taking requests for Eddie and shy!reader! I owe you a personal apology because I just saw that you’ve been commenting to be on the taglist for weeks and I only just saw now 🥺 9/10 times I miss peoples requests to be added if they comment on the post itself- a sure way to get on the taglist is to either message me or send me a DM! second, this is so cute 🤭shy!reader is a given, but shy!eddie makes me all 🥹🫶🏻 (this blurb is part of a collection and can be read alone, or in addition to the ones listed below)
✨ shy!reader x eddie masterlist ✨
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May 1984
“What’re you still doing here?” Gareth’s question vies for your attention, shaking you from the fantasy world you’ve spent the past few hours lost in and thrusting you back to reality. “You still waiting for your dad?”
“Yeah,” You nod, shutting your book and stealing a glance from the small watch on your wrist. “Shouldn’t be too much longer. He said he’d be here by seven, the latest.”
Your cousin’s baby arrived a few weeks earlier than expected, and as soon as your aunt called, your dad was forced to make an impromptu trip to drive your mom down to Indianapolis. She insisted that she was going to help your cousin, but part of you knew she was really going to help her sister- your aunt- adjust to having a newborn in the house.
Since it was the last week of May, and finals were right around the corner, it didn’t make sense for you to join her. While it would’ve been exciting to see your cousin and her newborn, you wouldn’t have had time to study or get a wink of sleep. Instead, you were stuck waiting for your dad to make it back from the city- while he was likely stuck in rush hour traffic.
“Do you want a ride?” Gareth offers, “I’m sure my mom won’t mind.”
“Thanks, Gareth, I really appreciate it,” A warm smile graces your lips as you express your gratitude. “But I don’t mind waiting. I only have a few more chapters left, anyway.”
“Alright,” He returns the gesture, easily. Although he’s not thrilled about leaving you all alone to wait for your dad, he’s somewhat comforted by the fact that there’s at least one other person that can take you home if your dad doesn’t show soon. “If your dad’s not here by quarter past seven, I know Eddie’s still cleaning up a few things inside. He wouldn’t mind giving you a ride, if you needed one.” He offers on your friend’s behalf and your eyes widen slightly. It’s a movement so slight that anyone else would’ve missed it, but Gareth’s spent enough time around both you, and Eddie, to realize that there’s something blooming between the two of you- even if the both of you are completely oblivious to it. Before you have a chance to dwell on the offer, he raises a hand and gives you a friendly wave, “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“Bye.” You mimic the gesture, watching his mom’s dark green station wagon pull away, and it’s only once you’ve lost sight of it that you let out a sigh you didn’t even realized you’d been holding.
You’re not sure when it started, but somewhere within the last couple of months, you’ve started to become flustered whenever someone so much as mentioned Eddie’s name. 
When you first met him, you were intimidated for all of three seconds before he flashed you a warm smile and welcomed you to the lunch table. Since then, you’ve gotten to know him better. Although it’s rare for you to ever carry out a conversation with him on your own, someone always makes an effort to include you in some way. 
Last week, while your entire table was up in arms arguing what the best song of all time was, Jeff was the one to attempt to diffuse the growing tension of the heated argument for asking your opinion. A few weeks before that Gareth asked if you were doing anything fun for spring break, and your heart beat a little faster when Eddie was the one to carry on the conversation with you after that. 
You’re not afraid of him. People have said awful, terrible things about him- both behind his back and even straight to his face- in an attempt to paint him out to be someone he’s not, but those rumors and opinions have never led you astray. Though your hands shake when you’re forced to take the seat next to him and your body flushes with warmth when he talks to you, you’re certain you’re not afraid of him. How could you be? Eddie is funny, kind, and charming. Not to mention he has a great smile and his eyes are-
“How long’ve you been sitting out here?” He doesn’t mean to scare you, but you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden sound of his voice. It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath, but when you do, you offer a reply.
“Since the last bell.” 
“You know you’re always allowed to sit with us on nights we have Hellfire, right?” He asks, taking a seat on the curb beside you, and, honestly, you weren’t aware of such a thing. “It’s so fu-“ He stops himself before he swears, mindful to mind his manners in your presence, “Freaking, hot out here. Even if all you want to do is read, we always have an extra seat for you.”
“T-thank you.” The words nearly get stuck in your throat. It shouldn’t be this difficult to talk to a person. Why is it so difficult to talk to him?
“Of course.” He flashes you a perfect smile, and you’re not sure if the hours of sitting in the sun have finally got to you, but you suddenly feel lightheaded. “What chapter are you on?”
“What chapter are you on? Did Buttercup get kidnapped yet?” He gestures towards your book and you’re stunned silent. His eyes widen when he mistakes your shocked silence as a reply and quickly tries to retract his question. “Wait! You’ve read it before, I know you’ve read it before, so I didn’t spoil it, did I? Please tell me you knew she got kidna- I didn’t ruin it for you, did I?” 
“You’ve read The Princess Bride?” Instead of answering, you propose a question of your own, and now Eddie feels like he’s going to pass out- and it’s certainly not because of the heat.
“Well, I-I mean I saw you reading it, and I thought, I mean you read it a lot, so I figured it must be good,” He admits before the weight of his confession fully sinks in, “And then I saw it at the library and decided to give it a try.” The words are coming out of his mouth faster than he can stop them and when realization hits that he’s just admitted to reading your favorite book, his eyes widen.
Your lips part, ready to ask a million different question despite the fact that you’re having trouble finding your voice, when a car pulls into the parking lot. Quickly, both you and Eddie rise to your feet.
“That’s my ride,” You explain, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear while you hold your book close to your chest. Your dad’s timing literally couldn’t have been any worse. Reluctantly, you offer Eddie a parting wave, “I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow, Eddie.”
He presses his lips into a thin, defeated smile and returns the gesture.
As soon as you shut the door behind you, you let out a shaky breath. It’s incredibly difficult to click your seatbelt into pace with the way your hands are shaking, but once you finally manage, you turn to greet your father.
“Hope I’m not interrupting something,” He teases with a tired smile. “I’m guessing that one isn’t Gareth, or Jeff,” He raises a brow, feigning curiosity, which is merely an act. “Which means, based off of that little smile of yours, that’s Eddie.”
Eddie’s back is turned towards you, his shoulders slumped as he makes his way across the deserted parking lot to his rusty, old van.
“Yeah, that’s him.” Although you’re entirely unaware of it, your father can see your fond smile in the reflection of the window.
“He’s taller than I thought he’d be,” He admits. “He’s also got a lot more hair than what I was picturing, and tattoos- which are cool, I’d you’re into that sort of thing,” You feel your face heat up for some reason. Were you into that sort of thing? “As long as he’s nice to you, and treats you right, I guess I don’t have any problem with the two of you da-“
“Eddie and I are just friends, dad.” You’re quick to shut down any insinuation that there’s something more going on between you and Eddie. The two of you are just friends. Besides, it’s totally normal for friends to start reading the same books as you because they saw you reading them, right?
“Whatever you say, honey,” He lets out a soft chuckle before putting the car into drive. “So, how was your day?”
Send me some feedback! Requests: OPEN!
series taglist:  @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @bi-maximoff @resident-gay-bitch @softpsychopath @padawansubscription @copper-boom @sj-thefan @writeplace-wrongtime @aiz0ldy @hobisfavoritespritecan @brattypeony @okay-j-hannah @kimmietea @jessyballet @mdanon027 @authorlovers @thatdinofuck @bethii11 @lqveharrington @authordreaming13 @wheaty-melon @sweetpeapod @lovelymrvl @a-girl-interupted @j1mp3x @taylorslov3rrr @cravingmacarons @idaofinfinity @pipsypip @grizzing @lady-clegane-giantsbane @clowence @theamchannell @beefybuckrrito @buckymydarlingangel @plantfey @cherrybastard @nazifa94 @nick-lorenz @mayempress @ethereal27cereal @oeuryale @everything-intertwined @storiesbyrhi @mountchilly
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idaoftheburningmind · 3 years ago
I love how @pluvialpoet ‘s shy!reader x Eddie series is turning into Raen’s personal Justice for Eddie crusade. These glimpses she gives us of Eddie’s life — and the lives of those who care for him — not only restore Eddie to us, but also reassure us that, yes, he knew love from the people who mattered.
We only briefly met Wayne Munson in ST4, but those scenes were enough to tell us that he has been a quiet, reliable presence throughout Eddie’s life. The conversation he has with Eddie here, warm and easygoing, is one we can readily believe.
“It’s alright, son.” His uncle assures him gently. “It happens to even the strongest men.”
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The way Raen has Wayne encourage Eddie to open up, mindful of not putting his nephew on the spot, is such a rare kindness in anyone’s life. We’re glad that in the confines of the trailer they call home, both Wayne and Eddie have kindness to spare.
Reading this latest series installment, I recall bits of posts I’ve seen around tumblr, like how Eddie would have loved the Princess Bride, how Wayne gave the one room in the trailer to his nephew while he slept on a folding cot. Seeing Raen and other writers build a universe from the chaotic thoughts being shared about Eddie is exhilarating; I hope they all know how much we appreciate them for the stories they continue to share.
I want to make special mention too of the books Wayne saw Eddie reading: Carrie (1974) and Fevre Dream (1982). Maybe I’m over reading, but it’s fun to speculate on why Eddie chose these books; or why the Reader enjoys them. Knowing how Raen writes, every detail is deliberate and it only adds to the excitement over the next part of this beloved series.
PS Raen, you really dropped this on the day Joe shared his video with Metallica. You sure you’re not mutuals? Hehe
My baby shy!reader learning to play D&D for Eddie had me giggling and kicking my feet like a school girl 😍 I love them so much! What about Eddie doing something like that with shy!reader’s interests? Like what if he sees her reading a book and starts reading the same one so that they can talk about it together? I love your work and I love what you’re doing with this series ❤️
OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS 😭🫶🏻😵‍💫 also, for reference, this takes place before shy!reader learns D&D! (this blurb is part of a collection and can be read alone, or in addition to the ones listed below)
✨ shy!reader x eddie masterlist ✨
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Wayne’s nursing a steaming cup of black coffee- the contents of his favorite mug still much too hot to enjoy- while he flips through the morning paper. Outside, the sun has just started to rise, causing soft oranges and bright pinks to filter in through the singular window above the sink. Across from him, Eddie silently shovels spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth. He’s not in a hurry. For the first time in a long time he’s actually up before the sun, and not rushing to get to school last minute.
He takes a sip of coffee, a small hiss leaving his lips when he burns his tongue on the scorching liquid and folds his paper back up. Eddie doesn’t even flinch. He’s too invested in the book in front of him to notice that Wayne’s been watching him for the last minute.
“What’re you reading?” He asks, and Eddie finally looks up from his book upon hearing the question that’s cut through the peaceful silence.
“The Princess Bride.” His mouth is full when he responds, and a little bit of milk dribbles past his lips and onto his chin. He quickly wipes it with the back of his hand and continues chewing before, eventually, swallowing the rest of the cereal in his mouth.
“I don’t remember that one.” Wayne raises an eyebrow, trying to recall if he’d ever read it before. His memory wasn’t what it used to be, but it didn’t look or sound familiar. “Is it for school?”
“Hmm,” Wayne hums thoughtfully before asking, “So, what’s her name?“
Wayne’s been looking after Eddie for over ten years. He was the one that taught his nephew to read, and if memory served right- which he knew it did- Eddie absolutely hated reading. Whenever he was required to read for school, he always made a big deal out of the fact that he despised reading.
It was so utterly boring for him to sit still long enough to immerse himself in the literature he was forced to read. Even on the off chance that he found something he actually enjoyed reading, he could only make it through a few chapters at a time before he grew antsy.
For the past few weeks, he’s been reading a new book every few days. He stays up late, and wakes up even earlier just to squeeze in extra reading time- and Wayne’s definitely noticed the somewhat subtle, yet dramatic, shift in his nephew’s interests.
“Buttercup,” Eddie announces, and this time when Wayne brings the warm mug to his lips, he almost chokes on his sip. “She’s in love with Westley, but betrothed to Prince Humperdinck- who doesn’t even care about what Buttercup wants, selfish prick-“ Before Wayne can reiterate his question, Eddie’s going off on a tangent- explaining the entire plot of the book he’s reading, while being completely oblivious to what his uncle was truly asking him. “Anyway, she gets kidnapped and- what?”
He doesn’t mean to laugh. Really, Wayne didn’t mean to let out a soft chuckle, but between the utterly ridiculous names his nephew keeps repeating, and the tragic plot of the novel- coupled with the fact that he’s completely oblivious to what Wayne was really asking- was just too much.
“That sounds nice, son,” He offers an apologetic smile that causes Eddie’s furrowed brow to soften, “But I meant the girl you’re reading this book for.”
In an instant, his cheeks flush with warmth. His eyes widen, and when he tries to offer an answer, the words get stuck in his throat.
“W-why would you-“ Eddie clears his throat, “What makes you think I’m reading this for a girl?”
“Guy or girl, I don’t judge.” Wayne raises both hands softly, defensively, and the smallest bit of tension lifts from his nephew’s shoulders. Still, Eddie looks like a deer in headlights, and while it wasn’t his intention to make him uncomfortable or embarrassed, he realizes that there might’ve been more subtle ways to broach the subject. “And because last week you finished Carrie, and the week before that you finished Fevre Dream, I believe,” For someone who constantly forgets to take out the trash and complains that he’s growing old and forgetful, Wayne’s memory is still sharp as ever. “I haven’t heard you play guitar in weeks. You haven’t planned a campaign in, I don’t even know how long, and you spend any chance you get with your nose buried in a book.” He takes a breath before explaining, “Don’t take this the wrong way kid, but it’s just not like you.”
His uncle has always been a lot more observant than he ever let on. Despite the fact that he worked ungodly hours just to put a roof over both of their heads and wasn’t really around as much, he always noticed the little things.
Eddie’s never felt this way about anyone before. Sure, he thought girls were pretty and fantasized about being in relationships with them- but he knew that they would never amount to anything beyond a daydream. The difference between being attracted to someone and finding them physically attractive is night and day. While he thinks that you’re the most gorgeous girl he’s ever seen, he’s also attracted to you- not just your looks. The revelation simultaneously excites and terrifies him.
Wayne, who’s still waiting for an answer, parts his lips to tell him that he doesn’t have to answer if he doesn’t want to, but Eddie beats him to it.
“Y/N,” Just saying your name causes a smile to appear on his face. “Her name is Y/N.”
“And what’s she like?” His uncle asks and Eddie doesn’t even know where to begin.
“She’s-“ He shakes his head. Describing you wouldn’t do you justice. No words could ever truly describe you, or how you made him feel. He tries to think of something, anything, to tell his uncle about you, but he’s utterly overwhelmed- in the best way possible.
“I figured you had it bad, but I didn’t think it was this bad.” Wayne chuckles again. “Oh to be young and in love, again.” He sighs, and Eddie’s eyes widen.
“I’m not-“ He quickly defends, “I don’t-“
“It’s alright, son.” His uncle assures him gently. “It happens to even the strongest men.” It’s not even an ego thing. It has nothing to do with his masculinity or being afraid to be vulnerable. Eddie only met you a few months ago, and while he has strong feelings towards you, he’s not sure if insinuating that those feelings had anything to do with love would be completely accurate. Surely, love wasn’t a one-sided attraction. Before he can dwell on the thought any longer, Wayne asks another question, “So, she likes to read?”
“That’s all she does,” Eddie runs a hand through his hair, letting out a defeated sigh as he finally closes the book. “Every day at lunch, she just sits there with her book.”
“Sounds like she might be a little shy.” Wayne offers and Eddie nods in agreement. “S’that why you’re readin’ now? So that you can talk to her about something she likes?”
“It sounds stupid, I know-“ Eddie immediately defends, resting his palm on his forehead. It really does sound silly when he says it out loud. Before he loses himself to a nasty mix of intrusive thoughts, crippling doubt, and wicked self-deprecation, Wayne reels him back in.
“Not stupid,” He quickly corrects his nephew with a small smile, “Thoughtful.” Wayne remembers what it was like to have a crush on someone- how your heart races when you think about them and how your knees never feel strong enough to hold you up. He’s had enough crushes to know that whatever Eddie feels towards you, isn’t that. Whether or not he knows, is a completely different story. In an attempt to lighten the tense air that’s settled around the table, he gestures to the books beside Eddie. “Now, tell me more about what happens after Buttercup gets kidnapped.”
Send me some feedback! Requests: OPEN!
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